More on Searching
When I was presenting to the Calgary Java User’s Group about Building your own search engine, the topic of Egothor came up. I’ll have to check it out. See my previous comments on searching email. Powered by ScribeFire.
When I was presenting to the Calgary Java User’s Group about Building your own search engine, the topic of Egothor came up. I’ll have to check it out. See my previous comments on searching email. Powered by ScribeFire.
With the advent of Sarbanes-Oxley, it seems everyone is hot to start changing their passwords on a regular basis. This is enough of a problem for people, but when systems need to use passwords to get things done automatically, it turns into a nightmare. I started putting together a specification for a password “lockbox” that … [Read more…]
LDAP Browser/Editor A simple Java app/applet that lets you browse/search/edit LDAP. (tags: ldap editor java software browser tools)
Java UUID Generator – Home I started down this road myself (taking the sample code from the RFC’s and translating it to java, but stumbled over the inability to obtain a MAC address in java) (tags: java network guid software)
VNC2Go – A Mobile (Midlet) VNC Viewer Client Now that I’ve got ssh running on my phone… (tags: vnc java midp mobile software) MidpSSH | SSH and Telnet client for Mobile devices (MIDP/J2ME) 320×240 px == 80 cols x 41lines !!!… (tags: java midp software mobile ssh)
Pet Peeve: Learning Curve Misuse My blog posting on the misuse of “Steep Learning Curve” (tags: learningcurve) QueryForm Database Tool Quck Java-based Swing tool for updating data in database tables (tags: database java opensource)
QueryForm: a Swing-based Java tool for editing database tables. For those times when you just don’t want to write a CRUD interface or use raw SQL. DbVisualizer’s “Update where” and “Insert into” functionality is OK for one or two rows, but this tool lets you edit many rows almost painlessly. powered by performancing firefox
DbVisualizer: essential tool. I practically live in it. I have it open all day every day. I use it for ad-hoc reporting, quick updates, and to build up, debug and validate the queries I put into my software. It will connect to anything that has a JDBC driver. One of the features I’ve used is … [Read more…]
AB5k Desktop Widgets in Java (tags: java widgets software) United States Patent: 7188169 During the dot-com bubble I was involved in a project to display up-to-the-minute statistics to owners of eCommerce sites. (tags: software patent dashboard)
How many times have you heard this?
This product has a steep learning curve.
I’ve lost count. But it never ceases to annoy me. What does the above actually mean? And what is the person saying it really trying to get across?