links for 2010-03-11

Code Bubbles Project | Andrew Bragdon, Ph.D. Student, Brown University Extremely cool looking IDE for Java. Looks like somebody is thinking about how programmers really work. The video is worth watching. (tags: java video tool tools software research programming eclipse development)

links for 2010-02-25

A Wordsets based document clustering algorithm for large datasets May be better than the classic document vector based clustering algorithm (tags: indexing clustering document similarity algorithm)

links for 2010-02-09

TeamViewer – Free Remote Access and Remote Desktop Sharing over the Internet Another alternative to LogMeIn. Seems to be free for non-commercial use. I wonder how it will interact with firewalls? (tags: software tools windows utilities remote desktop sharing)

links for 2010-02-07

Electricity Around the World The most useful page on the internet (at least if you are taking a trip and bringing anything electrical). (tags: conversion energy travel power electricity guide world electric international electronics plugs)

links for 2010-02-04

jqPlot Charts and Graphs for jQuery nice looking pure-javascript chart-plotting library (tags: programming development web library opensource javascript graphics chart graph plugin charts graphs jquery plot charting graphing plotting webdesign canvas visualisation jqplot js)

links for 2010-01-29 Finally found something resembling an object model that could be used to capture incidents and maybe trouble tickets (tags: wbem cim ticket incident problem itil model software) YouTube – Hitler responds to the iPad ROTFLMAO: Not the feature set he was looking for. (tags: ipad apple satire)