links for 2010-06-16

Balsamiq Mockups Home | Balsamiq GUI Prototyping/Mockup tool (tags: design development mockup mockups programming prototype prototyping software tool tools ui web webdesign webdev wireframe wireframes application balsamiq gui interface)

links for 2010-05-24

SendSignal – send ctrl-break to any WIndows process Can be used to force a JVM to create a stack dump (tags: java windows tools jvm utilities tool development stacktrace debug signal debugging)

links for 2010-05-13

The Evolution of Privacy on Facebook (tags: chart data design facebook graphics history interactive Interesting internet social visualisation visualization analytics datavisualization illustration infographic infographics infoporn diagram)

links for 2010-03-11

Code Bubbles Project | Andrew Bragdon, Ph.D. Student, Brown University Extremely cool looking IDE for Java. Looks like somebody is thinking about how programmers really work. The video is worth watching. (tags: java video tool tools software research programming eclipse development)