I’ll be giving a talk at the February 22, 2011 Calgary Unix User’s Group (CUUG) meeting, updating my previous talk to CJUG two years ago.
Cloud Computing
Speaker: Tom Malaher, NetStart Consulting Ltd.
What is Cloud Computing? This talk will survey the landscape (cloudscape?), try to define cloud computing, where and how it can be used, and demo some live code running on one of the more mature offerings in a relatively new industry: Amazon Web Services or AWS.Tom Malaher has been working in the IT industry for 20+ years as a developer (C, Perl, Java, Web, SQL) and system administrator (almost every flavour of Unix known to man, and Windows only in self-defence). His current role is as an architect and back end integration (aka “glue”) developer.
Bow Valley College
332 – 6 Ave S.E.Room N-438
5:30 PM, Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Free admission for the general public.